
Get Started with MicroPython & Mu

Microbit V1 only. V2 is not supported at this time.

This tutorial is for anyone looking to try text-based coding

The Mu Editor has a known bug with macOS Catalina and higher and doesn’t function at this time. If you’re on a Mac please try the online Python editor.

If you’re new to GiggleBot and/or coding we suggest starting with MakeCode

Check out the GiggleBot readthedocs for micropython

Find installation instructions, drivers, and everything you need to start programming the GiggleBot in Python.

01 Download Mu

Mu Editor
01: Download and install Mu

Download then install the Mu Editor.

Mu compatibility – Windows - MacOS

02 Download Driver File

GiggleBot Python Driver File Python Code
01: Download the Driver File

03 Place Driver File

Save your driver file in the folder that corresponds with your operating system.
01: Place the Driver File "gigglebot.py" in the Mu application folder on your local drive.
For Windows:
Place file in: c:/users/<USERNAME>

Where <USERNAME> is your username on your local computer.
For macOS:
Place file in: /users/<USERNAME>/mu_code

Where <USERNAME> is your username on your Mac.

04 Open Mu

05 Flash an empty file

Click the Flash button at the top of the editor to flash a blank file. Make sure your micro:bit is connected to your computer.
01: Connect the micro:bit to your computer using the Micro-USB cable.
02: Click "New" to create a new file.
03: Flash the empty file using the "Flash" icon at the top of the editor.

06 Reset your micro:bit

01: Reset your micro:bit by pressing and holding the reset button. This button is located on the back of the micro:bit near the Micro-USB charging port.

07 Transfer the library

Click the Files button at the top of the Mu Editor window.
01: Click "Files" in the top bar.
Drag "gigglebot.py" from my computer to my micro:bit.
02: Drag the gigglebot.py file over from the right-hand side, under "Files on your computer" to "Files on your micro:bit"
03: After the file has transferred to the micro:bit, click "Files" again to close the pane.

08 Test

Connect your micro:bit to your computer using the micro-USB cable.
01: To test, make sure your micro:bit is connected to your computer.
Sample python program - see text below.
02: Copy the following code and paste it into the Mu Editor.

from gigglebot import *

03: Click "Flash" to transfer the program.

08 GiggleBot test

Connect micro:bit to the GiggleBot - buttons face front of robot.
01: Eject the micro:bit from your computer. Then, place connect it to your GiggleBot. Power on. If everything is working correctly you should see the LED "smile" at the back of your GiggleBot turn red.